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There will be another ritual or two that I will be performing before the final Rite, but until and between them; Aunts, the room is yours. I charge you to prepare this girl for that which lies ahead of her. For tonight, and for all the nights to come."With that, she turned and closed the door behind her leaving me alone with my aunts. Amber motioned to the couch and told me to have a seat."Who would like some tea?" She asked. After a chorus of "I" she went through one of the other doors into. In time, John was stimulating everything on her……..his teeth were gently clamping around her clit while his tongue licked back and forth, while two fingers of his left hand were sliding in and out of her hole, pressing upwards against her g-spot…..and one finger on his right hand was gently circling and massaging the outer skin of her ass……… Her body bucked up in the air, and then rested……and then it bucked up in the air for a longer stretch, and she rested again…….every time her hips thrusted. Shelly, ready to be sold at next weeks market. And Tim, a new recruit who had been mostly broken in but still questioned you occasionally. You kept them in your secret room, a hard plank as a bed and a blanket as cover, a bowl of water each and a chain around their necks that attached to the wall. You hooked them up during the night and let them do your bidding at day. You weren't the nastiest of the slavers, you feed your lot well, regularly cleaned them and never beat them so fa it would have. . W H A M ... W H A M ! ! !Strangeness SLAMMED my whole entire body. She was sucking my dick down,deep down into her throat, and it suddenly felt reversed - she wasinside me, inside my groin, and I almost fell over on the couch as thetop half of my body got heavy - very heavy, and I felt her hair rubbingagainst my chest - no against my bosoms, against my breasts - I HADBREASTS, and GOD They Were Whoppers!!!! Spilling out out my chest andnearly onto the top of her head. They were.
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