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” Legs and asses, he thought, including her and Linda’s legs and asses for sure. “Well then, get in here in the pool with the girl legs, leg man.” George stood frozen. If he put down the towels Linda and Jan would see the bulge of his boner through his cum-soaked shorts. Both girls were now watching him. “Don’t be shy, big guy” said Jan. “Linda has already seen your big cock a few times, right Linda?” “By accident,” Linda noted. Both their parents were out and she had caught him. I guess you could say she’s a bit of an emo. Slight build, tight little body, jet black hair that always seemed to fall in front of her eyes. She could even pull off the black lipstick/black clothes death rocker thing. Unlike your typical emo though, Kelly has a bubbly upbeat personality. She also has a big, beautiful smile that seems to light up her whole face. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Especially that cute, tight little bottom. She caught me glaring at it once and gave me a little look. "Yes, I'm sure," Cassie chimed in. "Why do you ask?" Well, I mean, look I don't know either of you," Adam said. "So I am going by strictly what I've heard from a couple of friends of mine who are familiar with your careers. Rita, I understand you work exclusively with your boyfriend for male-female scenes. I don't want to create a problem on that front."Rita sighed. A part of her was gratified that a guy she didn't even know would ask that question. But another part of her didn't feel like. I'll admit I took a few opportunities for one-night hook-ups out on the road. I dialed it way back when I got seriously involved with Charley's House, and I have to be just as squeaky clean with Avalon. So, it means no more of the cheap little thrills I used to have, either." You mean like Mistress Grimm?" No, hell no, there was never any thrill in that. Just sometimes it seemed like a good idea for one reason or another. Let's just say I used to like to show off a little." Nothing new about.
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