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When I reached back to the booth I found the door was locked. I then tried the door where I had left Anita, but it was locked also. Then I went to the booth on the opposite side of my wife's. Most of these booths have peep holes in the walls and as I suspected there was one there to look into Ana's booth.As I looked in through the little hole, I could see she had pulled her pants off and was naked from the waist down. She was playing with her pussy which was a real turn on. Before I had time to. You then rub my pussy a little bit more then stop again. You grab my hand again and we start walking more to the destination you have picked out for us. I feel my arousal growing not knowing where we are going loving the kinkiness of the situation. All the while as you are leading us there, you bring my hand (the one your holding) up to your covered cock making me stroke you as you walk. You have to control it however, because you know if you do not you wouldn't be able to make it any further. She took three loads before she couldnt take the rest and it spilled out on to Debbies cunt. As I felt myself stop the spurting, I pulled out of Heathers mouth and pressed her head down to Debbie. Clean her up. Lick her good. I said. I moved aside as Heather took my place between Debbies legs and started to eat Debbies pussy like a pro. I positioned myself behind Heather and started to work my fingers in her asshole and pussy. She was tight, but my two fingers slipped into her ass and three. Victor was obviously rich, but seemed to have strong morals; how could he be guilty of crimes? She finally convinced herself that it must have been a mistake on their part, and went back to bed.The morning was wet, cold and windy, and Susan was pre-occupied with getting Gail off to nursery. Amy arrived at ten and Susan decided to go and clean Victor’s flat. When she arrived at the top floor, she was surprised to see the flat taped off as a crime scene, and a policeman standing outside. He.
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