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How about... Calendula?"Chrys smiled, turning back to her attentive crew. "Guys, this is Calendula! She's a candidate for Auntie-caste. I guess since you're all drained, it's the perfect time for a quick census. Hands up - if she were a member, who would be willing to have sex with her?" Lauren did a double-take as every man raised their hand. "Not bad. Okay, how many of you would actually enjoy sex with her?" With a shrug, three men lowered their hands.Apologetic, one of them said, "She's not. We’re going somewhere nice, dress accordingly!”I changed into a shirt and tie, with nice jeans. Delia changed into a very short black dress that plunged just low enough to give me a hard on and not a heart attack. As she was looking in the mirror, I brought out something I had wanted to give her. I draped it around her neck and hooked it.“Oh, James—this is so beautiful, it’s mom’s, isn’t it?”“It’s yours now,” I said giving her a kiss.We walked out of our room. The girls saw the necklace and. He had a slight farmer’s tan on his arms, which were now toned with the beginnings of biceps. His chest still had that same scar, a raised curve that went from his right clavicle to his navel ; it stood out almost proudly, a prominent reminder of his childhood on his skin. She shifted, moving her weight from one foot to the other. A creak escaped from the wooden floorboards and she winced. She wasn’t really spying on him, she justified to herself. She could play it off and say that she was. . ' Charlie stood between me and the door as I lifted my shirts over my head and stood there naked as a new borne. Charlie then pushed me towards Bruce who twisted me around and pushed me down to my knees telling me ' ... open your damn mouth and show my dick some luv! ... ' Tears were already swelling i my eyes as Bruce slid his penile glans over my lips. ' ... Stick out your damn tongue bitch! ... ' Bruce demanded! Reluctantly I poked my tongue thru my lips and tasted the pre-cum that Bruce.
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