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She was reminded of all the times the twoof them used to sit like that on the edge of this bed when she wasgrowing up for a pep talk or fatherly advice.Dave was never one to say no to his Sandy and did as asked. Heremembered all the times he'd strained his neck just a bit looking downat her in all her sorts of pre-teen emotional states when they'd lastlived together, just as he knew that she was slightly taller than hisjust shy of six foot stature these days, star volleyball player that shewas,. Her voice came strong, more so than she'd ever thought, especially with others watching.Becca's hands remained tightly interlocked under her hair and she could feel the heat radiating from her skin there. Still not raising her eyes she spoke again, only softer this time. "I have much to learn, Sir. But I hope you will choose to accept my offer to serve you." Becca only waited then, eager to hear if she pleased him, again looking for some reward for her efforts.James listened to Becca's litany. ”“On my knees before you?” she whispered, looking at him a little startled. “No, I'm not... I can't see myself doing that.”“I can,” he said softly, reaching up one hand and caressing her face. “I can imagine you doing it right now.” His other hand came up, and he was holding her shoulders.He kept looking straight into her eyes, then he kissed her. He felt her inhale through her nose, sharply, and her back stiffened in surprise, but his kiss coursed through her shock as he awoke a brand new. We'll take the day off. You'd like that wouldn't you? We can just swim in the river out back and suntan. I just need to go into town for a bit to pick up some groceries and things. Is that a plan?"I nodded my agreement, and after the dishes were done she jumped in her truck and was off for town leaving me alone at the house. I knew I had promised to water her garden, but the minute she was headed down the road I was on my way up the stairs and headed for her bedroom. My mind was alive with.
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