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Merrick: Just FUCK ME DADDYShe said pushing against his erection.Lucifer: I hope you didn't like this dress too muchHe ripped her skimpy green laced dress apart and she stood there gloriously in nothing but six inch heels. He grabbed her neck, and lifted her off the ground, Merrick's eyes pleaded for air, and he placed her legs dangling off the balcony and let her body dangle towards him. He opened his black robe. His cock was huge, monstrously huge, it wasn't even humanly possible. Lucifer. The process was followed on a daily basis. For the first week and a half, Marie cried herself to sleep each night as her nipples ached and then cracked and bled. The woman who brought her food rubbed lanolin on them to help with the cracking. After that, the nipples seemed to toughen up and Marie found herself more aroused than ever during her daily treatments, masturbating each night after a long torturous day.It took four weeks for her milk to come in and when it did, the first boy to suckle. “Your excitement has led you to leave your cage without permission. What do you have to say for yourself?” he asks.“I’m so sorry Master.” I exclaim while lowering my eyes and bowing between his legs so that I’m face-down, ass-up just the way he likes.“Stay where you are and think about what you have done,” he tells me.I feel him getting out of bed. I cannot see anything as my face is buried in the sheets, but I hear him walk into the bathroom. Soon I hear him relieving himself and the sound. Now she knew better. All that wasted time. Time they had to make up for. She and Lora had a plan but they would tell John about it later. Later. After he finished fucking her. She came again and again, sneaking her hand along the edge of the bed to grab the chain between the nipple clamps and pull them, hard, harder, until she felt she'd pull off her own nipples, then just a bit more. When John came inside her, she collapsed on the bed, giving a sharp yelp as the clamps bit into her nipples one.
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