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For what seemed an eternity, he said nothing while I waited, just staring intently at him, my curiosity piqued. Eventually, he caved."Fuck yeah." His admission sounded both embarrassed and enthusiastic."How? Why?" Why what?" he asked evasively."Why do you think she's sexy?"He shrugged his shoulders. ”Jesus, I dunno, she just is," he said, sounding a bit nonplussed. I watched with interest how his eyes focused on a point just in front of him and I realised he was trying to find the right words.. Before it entered, I suddenly felt the man move and lower himself down my back. His hands were now on my thighs as his lips and tongue made kissing and licking motions down my backbone and across my full bum cheeks. His tongue was now on my thighs as he pulled gently on my hips making me lean forwards more. Then I felt his tongue slide underneath me and across my dripping pussy. He was lapping at my cunt that was full of my own cum and that of my rapists! I gasped as his tongue and lips. Or he tried to. I heard from Jared that she got away before he actually did it. But then I heard from this other guy that he did rape her."Ryan was silent."Ryan?" asked Josh, gently."I'm gonna kill him," he said quietly. "I swear to God, I'm gonna fucking kill him!" he screamed."Dude, Jared said they beat the fuck out of him. His name's like Brett something." I can't believe this. Why the fuck didn't she tell me?" he demanded."I don't know. Maybe she thought you'd get mad." Oh, bullshit. What. ." Let's say I pass these last 10 exams and Sylvia gets her degree, shewould still work for you! If you don't believe she's worth it,wouldn't it ruin your so precious reputation?" I shout at him."I think you'll do her job in her stead, so that we'll keepappearances," he states. Damn, I've always wanted to work for McBroom& Lee, but not in my girlfriend (or future wife) shadow! I want my ownname to shine!"I've checked the next exams," Marie suddenly interrupts us, withSylvia's laptop on her.
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