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They were still hanging loose and kept hitting against my clit. Gawd that was a hot feeling. I held still and let him pleasure himself with my body. Loved doing that for a guy. Being the first time fucking me it was really hot for him so it didn't take long. He shoved it all the way in and held it. I worked my inner muscles gripping and squeezing it in a massaging motion. I could feel it jerking inside me as he responded to what I was doing to him. Then he started working it in and out full. Or the hard on that was fastly developing as my mind raced at the thought of being in this situation." waited"she said "for the rest to get off i want to ask you some thing" we sat and she turned to face me the faint smell of beer on her breath, " do you like me " she asked"oh yes i replied " too eagerlyat that she lent towards me kissing me straight on the mouth i responded straight away we kissed for an age my hands moving up and down her thigh her tounge probing deep into my mouth i could. As I passed the lift gate, I could actually look up the grade and seen a cabin and a late model Suburban parked I had to smile when I noticed bunnies running over the trail.Vassy was happy for me when I told her about the job. She said it was a about time I got off my ass and started working. We planned a special dinner for Friday. That night as we cuddled Vassy moaned with pleasure as I played with her nipples. Later she gave me one of the best blow-jobs ever. Finally drifting off to sleep,. They were all tall, muscled, and stacked. If any of the womenwere less than a 38DD, Troi would have been surprised. When they got to thevillage square, Troi found herself surrounded by a half dozen of the womenwarriors in a semi-circle while the rest of the village gathered around.Directly in front of Troi was a large house (or at least larger than theothers in the village) with a porch in front of it.On the porch was a largewooden chair in which sat a chocolate skinned woman who was the.
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