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I pulled out and helped her to her feet, she was a bit unsteady so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close her large breasts hard against my chest. I looked at her and realised she was far, far older than my grandmother; I had just shafted a really old woman and loved every minute of it. I wondered if I had no shame in me, but hell she asked for it and I only provided."Happy now Tamara?" I asked her."Oh yes, very happy, why haven't we met before this, I wouldn't have been a miserable. Andy’s group had found several seamstresses who brought their industrial sewing machines to the new offices and had all of the men’s uniforms altered over the week. The Velcro was put where the new unit and rank system was to be attached. The ranks were to be painted on helmets and safety gear.On the shirt was the only permanently attached name and rank. It was on the right front - over the pocket - the same as the military used. My gear was camo but all of the security people were issued brown. I made the saddest face I could and tried to inflect my voice with tears as I began my confession. “They don’t understand. They think I’m a whore.”“What? Why?”I looked down and hid my face, “Because I have feelings ... for a man, an older man. They think I’m crazy. They insisted I tell them who is was, but I wouldn’t because I don’t want to hurt him.”“Bailey, it’s safe here, no judgement. This man, did he hurt you?”I thought about Mr. F, he hadn’t hurt me, just fed me cum. But that wasn’t the. Does my father ever sleep with you?’ The blush came again. ‘Yes Miss Don.’ ‘Amelia.’ ‘Yes Amelia. But only when he has no one upstairs, he’s very loyal to his partner.’ ‘So you believe Annie,’ said Amelia, holding out her arms to take Jimmy. She told Annie to relax, she was used to holding babies. Amelia spent the time learning about her father’s routines. It appeared his law firm was ticking over nicely and he took considerable time off because Miss Ella liked to shop and travel. ‘Is Ella.
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