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“How are things?”“Fine, really. Just getting the work-school-life balance figured out. Are you guys going to the dance tonight?”“We are,” I said. “The vote was pretty lopsided with all the guys in our gang voting yes.”“Can I get on your dance card?”“What is this?” I laughed. “The USO?”“It’s something my mom says when she wants some time with someone. Not sure where she picked it up.”“Nobody has any claims on me. Just find me and I’d be happy to dance with you.”“Thanks! See you tonight!”“We’ll. Amy thought it was hilarious that they drove on the "wrong" side of the road. They took their time and stayed at a bed and breakfast about twenty miles before Galway. The next morning they made it to Galway. After checking he and Amy explored the city and she was like a child in Disneyland. They stooped for lunch at a small place in the center of town and she had her first taste of beer. She passed it to him and said that she didn't like it."By the way, where do you want to go on your. "I didn't want to feel better, but I had to admit that scrambled eggs and toast helped blunt the rough edges of my emotions, at least a little bit. "Thanks," I said around a watery smile as Mike gathered the dishes."Glad to." He smiled. "You'd do the same for me." He paused, plates stacked in one hand, juice glasses in the other. "Was that your daughter who called?"I shook my head. "No. Jeff." Briefly, I filled him in on the conversation.To my amazement, he chuckled. "Kids." He stepped into the. "We, Millie and I, love you like our own son. For Colleen and Rebecca, you are the love of their lives, and we know you love us back."Sure, it was tough trying to believe something utterly impossible, but you knew everything and withheld nothing. That told me you really were you. So, we'll figure it all out, though you've already done the heavy lifting."Go home to David's home and be the good son you've always been. Then come back tomorrow. We'll be here waiting for you." Millie and Mr. Bell.
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