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In other words, I was horny as hell. I had my hand down my skirt rubbing my pussy through my panties. Panties that were fast becoming very moist.I needed to get home and get my favorite vibrator, nicknamed Charlie, and get some much-needed relief fast. I made an I’m feeling bad excuse to Harriet and headed for the parking lot. I told Harriet, that if I felt better, I would be back that afternoon.As I headed out of the parking lot, my hand was down my skirt again and I was fast approaching an. She felt the tip of his cock poking at her labia and her lips started stretching out around it.Meera lowered herself some more and found she was breathing heavy with exertion. She had less than an inch in and already her pussy was having trouble stretching out to accommodate him. She sighed with relief when her labia closed over the base of the head. Just under the crown, Afzal's cock was it's thickest and she felt a little pain as she stretched out to fit more of his cock inside her. Luckily,. Mary Ellen trembled as the girl's tongue came out and she licked her dry lips. It almost looked as if she wanted to kiss her between... no she couldn't even think that. However, there was definitely lust in the girl's eyes. Suddenly, Jennifer looked up and it was her turn to flush red. "You have a beautiful..." she started to say vagina but she stopped. "Sorry," she added shyly and then pulled the panties up until they were snug on Mary Ellen's now sensitive pubic mound. Then she helped her out. You vocalize in the most erotic way, moaning and asking me not to stop. A minute later your body tightens, legs tighten around my head as you cum all over my face, filling my mouth with your glorious gift, I continue to lick and suck until I am sure I have gotten every drop of your precious fluids. We both climb back on the bed and you tell me you need some time to recover from the best orgasm you ever experienced. After about five minutes you ask me to fuck you doggy style as that is how you.
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