Indian Lilly mp4

I started getting dressed after granting permission for a bit more fun. As i was pulling my panty up he stopped me and told me “I have a surprise for you”. He took out a rectangular object that looked like a pen drive but i was pretty sure that it wasn’t one. I asked him about. He told me “i took this from my brother’s grandson’s remote toy”. I still had no idea. He came close to me and Kneeled down infront of me. That part of toy was covered in rubber. He spread my pussy and spat on it. He. I fished around inside her roughly trying to get purchase on the panties stored in there. I finally got a hold of a tag and pulled them out. Erica let out a gasp and then resumed searching the bags. I dropped the saturated panties on the seat and picked up the carrot. Aiming for her crotch and after some trial and error, I stuck the narrow end of the carrot up her pussy hole. Erica let out a gasp, held her breath and then resumed a deep panting as I started to fuck her with the carrot. "It. "Fuck me!" I heard Trevor say.Carefully, I lowered Paula onto her little feet. As Kim led her gently to the bathroom I could see a line of bloody cum sliding down her inner thigh. After they'd gone Trevor said, "Holy fuck, I'm so jealous, I bet she was really tight." Yeah," I grinned, "Incredibly." You lucky bastard," he grinned back, "I've never had myself a virgin." Then he grinned even wider and added, "I bet she's tighter than my mother." What?" I said.Trevor laughed, "You think I don't. I pulled away from a very stoned Ann. Our lips momentarily stuck together but then parted."You finish it, Mark." said Becca curling against my chest. "You'll need it all for the dessert." But I thought that this was the dessert!" I said and inhaled deeply again feeling the front edge of a pot high tickling my brain...and then, a little lower."Say...what kind of pot is this anyway, Ann? It kind of smells a little like some hash I smoked once at a party."Well, daughter, I have to say this one is.
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