Indian Maid Milk Tea mp4

It felt so good but I didn’t want to pee in my bed. It felt sooo gooood I just kept going. I was shaking, my pussy was contracting, and I and I thought I would pee and going in my ass hole, now I thought I might shit. Oh I was getting light headed and I heard someone scream. I didn’t know if it was me, but I think it was. And then my pussy was squeezing so tight, I couldn’t get my fingers in. Then I think I passed out.I don’t know if I did pass out or if I did, how long I was out. When I could. This was my aeroplane, I was in charge, I was the stewardess but now, one of my passengers was distracting me and I was scared. For a moment, no-one required my attention so I went into the galley and took out the manifest and looked at the final name on the list. Seat twenty-five. Mrs. Jemima Rana. I pondered her name. It sounded Indian. That would explain her beautiful hair and deep brown almond shaped eyes but she had no hint of an accent and she didn't seem as eastern as I would have. .like, I think I used to..?anyway, I used to be something called a lawyer, whatever that is?but now , as you can see, I’m a perfectly trained slave and slaves don’t need to read, we just need to remember that everything a man says is right, (giggle) especially when it comes to us slaves how dumb we are!. Here are my specifi?specifica.(giggle) I’m trying to think again?my sizes.. My fuckbag size is (trying to remember) 44DD, my waist is 30 and my cunt area size is 36. I deep throat cocks up. We sat watching the procession of cocks ploughing into sexy cunts.After glugging down a bottle of water, I could revert to my chilled wine. Al had asked me to check with the younger girls to see if they were okay with him and his black mates fucking them. Not racial just size really. I did, all really eager not to miss out.When Jane and Steff had been comprehensively fucked, Al chose Rachael and Nicky to do the honours. It was kind of apt that Rach had the task of cleaning up her boyfriend’s.
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Indian Maid Milk Tea

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