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They haven´t even tied our hands." Scarlet gave her companion in distress a wry grin. "S´pose I shouldn´t tell you, darling. You know, ignorance is bliss. But I´ve had this before. They start you out thinking how lucky you are. You can sit this one out like a breeze. You look at your little tootsies stuck out in front and neatly nipped in the stocks. About the time the sight of the other girl´s quim gets to be more than you can bear and the two of you decide to use your finger, they show up. We think its too dangerous. Sue and I looked at Colin who raised his eyebrows but nodded in agreement. Okay then. I guess youre right. Susan lay down next to me and I moved to one side to give her more room. She spread her legs and I watched as Colin carefully positioned himself between them and I took the opportunity to reach out and guide his cock to the entrance to my sisters pussy. I rubbed the head up and down her lips a few times which brought forth a long sigh from my sister and then. That wasn’t so bad, but I kept having to mend this outfit, then that one, then adjust the dress that was the wrong length, et cetera et cetera, and before I knew it, I was pretty much making half the clothes that Bridget, Heather and Master were wearing. And I found out how much I loved it, so I got Master’s permission and I started doing it as my actual job. Still do some cleaning here and there, but most of us share the random housework.’ ‘You seem to enjoy it. You’re good at it, from what. What I want you to do is swivel your hips as I continue to press, so we can see if I can get all eleven inches inside of you.”I badly wanted his cock inside of me to the balls, and I wrapped my legs around his ass for leverage as I swiveled and humped against him. It took what seemed like a couple of minutes, before I felt my uterus shift upward, and his long, thick, black cock was buried inside of my body. I was overwhelmed with emotion as I realized that I had that whole, massive cock inside.
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