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She would put them on, stretch her legs out and look at them, and get up and walk around on them.And then I f found out that I had not been as sneakily discrete as I thought I was. She had just put on a pair of black 'come fuck me' pumps and had taken a few steps in them when suddenly she stopped, picked up a pair of white pumps that she had already tried on, and then turned and walked right toward me. She stopped in front of me and said, "I can't make up my mind. I like them both. What do you. While he slept his two companions went about their own tasks, working with dedicated AIs that helped them plan, coordinate others, and disseminate information and commands.He woke an hour later and joined Linda and Andrea.“What’s happening, and what are those AIs?” he asked.“Jason, we commissioned the battle AIs some months ago. We fetched them from Mars after we took the planet. They were in secure storage. They are excellent AIs, supplied by the priests and are the latest Empire technology.. .. she was worried about being alone with him again. She could see that Thomas was upset but she convinced herself that it was unavoidable. She remembered the looks he had been giving her since she allowed him to masturbate and it was disquieting to say the least.Two days later Grace was at the lagoon for her daily bath when she felt that she was being watched. As she stood ankle deep in the water she glanced up at the rocks but couldn't see anything. She wondered if Thomas had followed her to. A searing pain shot through my left side as I attempted to sit. With some effort I struggled upright and got my feet on the floor. I glanced at my watch. It was gone. They must have taken it. I had to pee."Hey! Anybody here?"It was quiet except for what sounded like wind blowing and splatter of rain on what was probably a tin roof."Hello?" I shouted louder this time.I heard the sound of movement in the next room, and then a dim light shone under the door. There was more shuffling, then I heard.
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