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We were both school friends and swimming team mates from the age of 10 or 11 to when I dropped out from the club at 17. As teenagers, we spent a lot of time together. Three evenings a week in the pool and one early morning session, we shared lifts with parents to the pool. We ate lunch together at school once or twice each week, discussing diets and nutrition for swimmers. We were a pair, but never a couple, when I stopped swimming to concentrate on my school work, it was Em that I missed more. I felt the blow as one of his arrows hit me, but fortunately for me the point failed to penetrate. He stood in disbelief because he knew he’d fired well, and that standing proved fatal for him as my return present to him took him in the throat. The snow around his body turned red as he bled out. I didn’t let that stop me from taking the few coins he and his friends were carrying. They didn’t have much other useful loot other than increasing my stock of lockpicks.I did a quick search of the. In go his two fingers again, quicker than my mind can register that I should try to shut my legs. He’s moving in and out, and again the unwelcome pressure is there. I look up at him and shake my head no. He brings his head up to my ear and whispers, “How many times do I have to tell you you’re mine?!” With that he sticks his tongue into my ear again and pushes his fingers a bit deeper. Our bodies shift upward together: me trying to run from him; him trying not to lose the connection. He hasn’t. Right away Don knew that this change was different. The weight on his chest told him that, and as he ran to the full length mirror he could feel his hips swinging. Don thought he was past surprises but what he saw in the mirror shocked him. SHE was beautiful. High cheekbones accentuated her delicate face and wide almond shaped eyes. A tiny turned up nose centered above full and pouting lips. A full head of thick auburn hair went well past her shoulders. Her entire face was an invitation to be.
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