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She told me that her brother was sleeping by a friend for the night only coming back on Thursday and that her friend Tarryn, was gonna be over for Wednesday and Thursday while her parents were away. Bit of a bummer at first, but as we continued texting, our conversation began to get heat. Candice told me she can't wait to have alone time with me and that Tarryn wouldn't mind as its happened before. "What exactly happened before" I asked and Candice replied telling me that before her and an ex. Kara had her eyes closed as the women kept rubbing the warm water over her body, she felt a hand slip down between her legs and caress her pussy, her eyes shot open to see diana smiling at her and before she could say anything diana leaned in and softly kissed her, she was frozen for only a moment and the kissed back feeling how soft and gentle dianas lips were and the feel of her fingers gentle teasing her pussy, karas hands staring moving over dianas body feeling how tight and toned it was. In addition to all my legit debts, I owe the Miami Godfather, Vito, one hundred and eighty-seven thousand dollars in personal markers. I naively thought I was dealing with the friendly neighborhood bookie, not the Mafia crime syndicate.I sat at the kitchen table, consuming way too much coffee, and feeling sorry for myself, until I decided the only way out was to commit suicide. I had a $500,000 life insurance policy with a double indemnity clause that would solve the money problem for Peggy. I. ” she replied, looking at the tray I was handing back to her, “Do eat your pudding, desert is one of the only treats you will find here.”I pulled the tray back reluctantly, remembering the tainted batch I had the last time I ate it. Thinking that if it were such a treat, then aren’t I the lucky one having it twice it one week. But I really didn’t think the warden would spike it so, plastic spoon in hand, I gobbled it down. Squeezing the last of the juice into my mouth, I dropped the empty.
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