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I have bought a little black dress for dinner, would you prefer me with a nice push up bra or bra-less for dinner? The bra really pops my boobs out of that little black dress. Of course my boobs don’t bounce quite as much and my nipples barely show with a bra. Which shall it be? I think you will come quicker than 2 minutes when I’m done teasing you. Sweet Dreams” I replied as I sat in the latrine fondling my ever wanting cock… “Sally, Yeah, it sounds like you just love to show off. My cock curved up towards her face and she grasped it as though she ran the risk of me getting away. Of course, nothing could have been further from my mind. I kissed her again and lifted her skirt; she swayed her hips and wriggled out of her underwear. I then made her sit on the swing. I dropped to my knees taking first one then the other of her exquisite legs in my hands and running my palms down their divine smoothness. She giggled and wriggled closer, holding the rope of the swing with one. Finally my feet touched the ground and we were both able to release our grips on the ladder and as Mrs J stepped back I could clearly see her blouse was now wide open and her oversized bra was in full view. She looked up at me with a rather flushed face, “Hmm very interesting Mr English” she sighed as she bent down to pick up her clip board and as she straightened up she realized that her buttons had in fact come off.She didn’t seem too perturbed as she wrote something on her pad but I could. You have a very serious premature ejaculation problem. We will have to schedule a weekly session for training and it could take several weeks to reach a satisfactory result. And each session could last up to two hours.”“Do you mean I will come her once a week for two hours and all during that time you will be masturbating me? Will I get to cum each time?”“Yes, that’s correct, and there is no way I will let you go home without achieving orgasm. Otherwise your testicles will be super painful. Now.
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