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"I ... I mean, we could do something together. What do you like to do?" I like to read." the new kid said softly."Well, we could read together."The new kid stared at her, and then said, "Okay. if you want, I ... I havea spot nearby where I like to read." Lead the way," Beth said, with a smile.The new kid led her to a park, went to a spot on the grass, and sat down.Then the new kid pulled a book out a backpack, and said tentatively "Doyou have a book? I could lend you one." That would be cool.. I was fucking her deep and hard as we heard voices enter the dressing room. “Fuck dude, the basketball team had an away game tonight,” Ben said quietly. I was way too close to quit so I kept hammering her pussy until I exploded in her hot wet box. The team went into their dressing room but the coaches both came into the room we were in to see why the lights were on. “Well what do we have here?” Coach Mays asked out loud. “Looks like a couple of boys are fucking a MILF right here in my gym. ”, my wife said to this black man.“I’m done in half an hour. So head to your room, get yourself cleaned up with a hot shower, and you better have something sexy on when I get there.” , Frank told her.“I will baby, whatever you want”, my wife told him. He gave her a hard slap on her ass as she turned around, and I heard a grunt come from her that I’d never heard before.“She’s been talking about wanting to give herself to you all night, so you should know that she’ll do whatever you tell her to. Kneeling I began to mouth his great huge cock inside his silky smooth panties I could feel it pulsating on my lips as e moaned my gigantic tits rubbing his thighs as my lips vibrated over his super cock shaft,it was leaking like a river ,pree cum flowing heavy soaking his panties ,I was on fire as much as Rocky was burning hot now ,I needed my giant to hold me and wanted him so tall ver me ,I helped him on with my big 8 inch thigh high boots ,as he stood so gigantic tall over me I looked up in.
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