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I was wondering where we were going as we did not have anything out in this area as far as I knew. I did not want to ask and be accused of not reading my emails as I knew I hadn't looked at them for the past week or so. Shannon drove us into a large compound with a huge warehouse in the center of it.We all got out of the car and Rick led us inside the building through the large bay doors on the side of the building. There was a large resort like complex set up in the building; we walked around. DecemberMy hair is getting really long now. I've given up asking Mom to let meget it cut because I know what the answer will be. It now hangs a good 4inches below my shoulders. It takes me a little longer to care for it inthe morning and evening, but it's not like I had a lot else to do withmy time. And just sitting on my bed and combing it in the morning anevening feels so relaxing. I like the way it feels when it brushes myshoulders as it sways when I walk. Mom got something from the. The head of the vibrator continued to maintain contact with her g-spot and the little bunny vibrated wildly against her clit."What? Ohhh, no! Enough--enough!"Shelia exploded in a shattering climax and collapsed, half on half off the chaise lounge; and yet she continued cumming. It was so intense that it made me cum too; I sent a rope along the side of her neck, and made sure to cover each breast with my white stickiness.I left her there and made us both vodka martinis.She had removed the. The mattress itself was also on the floor, with David and Samantha cuddled up lovingly on it, but completely exposed, the duvet having long since been flung across the room in a fit of passion.The whole of the bed, as well of a lot of the surrounding area, including the two lovers, was covered in a thick layer of cum. It was to be expected of course, since that was the natural result of 8 hours of non-stop ejaculation.At 7am, the couple's alarm clock, which had been knocked onto the floor, went.
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