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She arrived @9:00am I welcomed her, we had our tiffin’s and started likeJhanu –hemo I ’m happy with you thanks for all thisI –achaaa no need to say dear your my bestJhanu –thanks hemo, last week my husband called meI –what happened jhanuJhanu –we fight hemoI –it’s common between you alwaysJhanu – bla bla…. She started cryingI –console her after 30min.S she became normal and we started preparing our lunch while preparing I teased her by some jokes and all (we tried to enjoy ourselves) I really. She smiled up at me and gave me a wink and we walked on, each of us smiling stupidly.As we pulled out of the parking lot, I noticed her looking at a billboard for an adult store just a few blocks away. I was always pointing the signs out for it to my wife. She always replied with one word. “No” “So you want me to swing by that place for you?” I asked jokingly.The light changed and I pulled out onto the wide road and damn near wrecked when she said, “Okay, why not? I’ve never been to one. I thought he might think that I was a cheap girl: desperate to give my puki to him. So I thought I would go up there with my girlfriend, but knowing that he would be there. When I first went up there in early January, I must admit that I was nervous. Although I knew he was there, I tried not to let him see me look at him, or even glance at him. He was with some of his friends, and I tried to concentrate on the singing and dancing with the girls. But every so often I would see him looking across. He dragged his tip along my ass crack, teasing me, making me want his dick more than ever. i couldn't take it. the next time i felt his tip on my asshole, i jolted my ass back, and forced his cock to pierce me. i only had a third of him inside of me, but i immediately became weak dropped to my elbows. "ohh god u got a tight pussy man, i wish we done this years ago. you ready?" he asked. turning back biting my lip, i gave him a head nod, and i was over from there. he pulled out, and then began.
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