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She was extremely small and petite and I Never thought I could be interested in such a small woman. As I continued to wander through the store I ended up at the rear of the building. At the rear of the store they kept a small erotic novel section. The store I was in was no adult bookstore by any stretch of the imagination. But they knew that they were located in a college town and should cater to those individuals that were looking for some special reading material if you know what I mean. I. Then maybe I was better off just ending it all because I could never live as the person I was becoming.And I loved myself too much to just end it all.That thought sobered me just a bit. I had never been suicidal. In the pit of my deepest despair at the orphanage, finally realizing that I was stuck with what I had, that no one was coming to rescue me, I had come close but never fallen off the edge of that particular cliff. I wouldn't let that fucking cunt and her dick-less brother change me. Not. Annie also corrected, "We convicts don't say 'blimey' here. This is Sydney, not bloody London." Which made me wonder why everyone couldn’t just speak proper English like us Americans.I think Annie’s parents liked me. Her dad did at least take the time to point out which spiders in the house and backyard were poisonous and which weren’t. In particular, he pointed out the burrows of the Sydney funnel-web, the most venomous arachnid on Earth. Despite my repeated questioning about which one was. Instead, he slicked up a third finger and pressed it inside me with the others as he lowered his head to my cock.Before I could stop it, I was wracked by an intense orgasm. My eyes closed tightly and my body tensed as I began to shoot. I felt him let go of my shooting dick and remove his fingers from me as he repositioned his body on top of mine. Placing one hand over my mouth to stifle the sounds, he also pressed back into me and resumed fucking my hole, stimulating me through my orgasm.As I.
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