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’ Something about this Goliath had troubled me and he was quickly validating my assessment. Always the tactful practitioner, my manager suggested he go do whatever it was he needed and she would finish up with his wife alone. He simply said ‘Great,’ telling his wife that he would call her later in the day to see how she was. I heard what sounded like a small kiss and before I could look up to get out of the way, he burst from the room, plowing directly into me, sending me down to the hard tile. Figuring that the worst that could happen is we would wake her, we grabbed her hip and shoulder and rolled her onto her back. She gave a little grunt which made us stand back but then the snoring started again and Steve slowly began to unbotton the top of her nightie and release her big soft boobs while I worked on tugging the bottom half right up to her wrinkled belly. As I did I was amazed to see a trail of dark hair running right up to her belly button and that the hair from her cunt came. Did you have a good time I asked her. She pulled her dress over her head and left the light on long enough that I could see she was naked under the garment. She flipped the light off and crawled into bed and pushed me onto my back so she could set her nasty pussy over my mouth. The aroma of a sweaty man and her female sent filled the air. I ate her untill she felt she was clean. Then she fell to my left and said now go to sleep. I couldnt go to sleep. I had a rock hard dick. I took her hand and. Dumb bitch couldn't even close the door right." The two of you kept me up all night you know." Yeah I bet you were probably getting off on it," he said, looking at me slyly. "I tore up her pussy good last night, but then she wanted me to fuck her up her ass too but then when I stuck it up her hole she kept saying it was too big." So did you ever actually screw her ass?" I asked. "Nah, she kept screaming that it hurt too much, so I ended up spanking her white ass real good for teasing me with.
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