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She moans softly in approval and leans back on the desk. I continue my licking of her opening slowly probing the tip of my tongue into her. She spreads her legs wide and I slide my tongue all the way into her. “Very good Nathan,” she moans softly. I push her legs further apart as I lick in a circle motion inside her before I use my tongue like a finger or a cock and dart it in and out of her begging hole feeling her juice flow out onto the desk. I take my tongue out and lick up her slit and. I literally jumped on her and started smooching. She rolled me over and started kissing me all over my face then to neck, slowly licking my nipples to my stomach, rubbing her face on my semi erect dick to my left thigh and feet. Then she put her nipples in between my feet fingers and pinching her nipples through my feet fingers (I cannot tell you the experience of so soft boobs on your feet and nipples in your feet fingers. It was like I was over eleventh heaven) slowly she started rising up. ”Her next question was, “o you still meet other women and have BDSM sessions with them?” I said, “Yes, my wife is not into BDSM. So to fulfil my desires, I meet my previous submissive partners.” I didn’t get any reply from her for a few hours. I thought she might not be interested after hearing I’m married.The next day I got her message, she sent me her mobile number. She asked me to give her a call. I called her soon, and Anjali picked up my call. She had such a cute voice, like a teenager.. I started thinking about his big dark chocolate cock and my right hand instantly went to my pussy. And as I started playing with it. I noticed some more of Bruce's cum coming out of me. I know it was his cum mostly cause I looked around, I guess to make sure no one was looking, even though I was in the shower and by myself. Then I slowly put my finger up to my mouth and tasted it. It tasted of a mixture of my cum and Bruce's . I didn't like the taste as much as I liked it when he cum directly.
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