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Is that what YOU want?"He hung his head as he considered what Anya had just said. On some level he had been aware of all of this, but until now it had all just been a pipe dream. No need to face the harsh realities. Now it was real. Now he had to consider carefully his next words. He sensed that his whole future, and that of his Mother, hinged on his being totally honest with both Anya and himself."I don't know Anya. I just don't know."He dropped his head back down and began to sob. He felt as. Clint decided that the man was almost the same size right down to the boots and he knew there were spare clothes and boots that would fit.“Here, let’s see about getting you cleaned up and you can try on these extra clothes I have.”Clint got the bucket of rainwater and filled a basin. He brought them out and set the basin on the end of the log. He also brought out a bar of soap, a towel, a mug of shaving soap with a brush, a strop, and a straight razor that he’d gotten from the Cumberland. Lorimer! Man, you just about scared me to death, standing here like this."He grinned at her, a burly man with black eyes and hair curling up from the open collar of his sports shirt. "Hi, Sunny. Is your mom home?"She shook her head. "No, and she won't be back for a couple of hours, maybe even longer. She's over at her sister's house across town, and my aunt always talks an arm and leg off." Two hours, huh?" He looked up at her where she stood two steps higher than him, and she felt the hotness. ”“What’s with your leg then?”“Bruised my shins, Sir. Nothing broken or so I think, but it hurts like hell.”“Harriet, please come out of the coach. This may take a while to sort out.”Tony helped his wife out and wrapped her coat around her to protect her from the biting cold.One of the escorts had found the coach driver who was holding his head, blood dripping from a head wound.“Nigh on cracked me scull, Cap’n.”He went to examine the damage.“Muckin’ wheel came orf, Cap’n. Be a while ta.
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