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I was so glad that I had helped lift his mood.I stood up. “Yeah I will, leave the shower running, will ya?” Gerry returned my smile. Yes, the special love we had was still there.Gerry wrapped a towel around himself, as I shucked my cum covered nighty and boy shorts into the bathroom floor, and stepped into the shower. It took a bit of work to and a lot of shampoo to get the sticky cum out of my hair.Bunching up my pjays, I left a trail of wet footprints down the hallway until I was beside. Nick chose the shower. It had no door and faced the jacuzzi. How delicious to observe the enormous man washing his even more enormous appendage.Jack’s mast was already hard by the time they lowered to the water. One thing she had to give the moron, his dick responded to her like a horse’s to a mare in heat. The image of a horse mounting a mare with that huge shaft did not contribute for a peaceful bath.Jack neared her holding his phallus. “Shannon, I want to fuck you like crazy.” And caressed. ."After that, there was no need to talk, although neither was exactly silent. Both of them let the other know, through moans, whimpers, grunts and other involuntary noises just what a wonderful time they were having."Ohhh! Ohhh!" she moaned as his cock plunged all the way into her pussy. With every stroke, she could feel pleasure building up inside her body, like a giant balloon being inflated. Eventually the balloon would burst and she would start cumming, but she didn't want that to happen. ‘Don’t you dare give me any of that bloody crap about only being a teenager, or not being responsible enough!’ she growled, ‘If I didn’t think you could handle it I wouldn’t have proposed it! Besides, ‘she added. ‘If it was not for you, then none of this could be happening…. I can not do it alone, it’s only possible because I have you to support me! I’ll arrange for you and I to meet with Uncle Arthur he will be able to answer all your questions better than I can, but, for now, this is.
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