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Why? Why aren't the women that everyone says are yours here too?They are mine in some ways and in some ways they are not mine. I do not own them. I am not married to them. Any of them can leave here at any time and no one has the right to stop them. They stay with me because they love me. But there are too many of them for any one of them to be with me all the time. It would not be fair to the others and so each has another bedroom and each comes to stay with me. Tonight I was supposed to be. She was tired. She had worked hard, long hours while she was there and had successfully avoided seeing too much of Jon Paul as well.After the show she heard some of the other models talking about going out for some drinks. During her three weeks she had several offers to go out with the other models and kick up their heels in the city of love, but she had previously turned them down. Tonight, however; since she didn't have to call Bill and she had been such a good girl, she thought she deserved. When no one else came to bother them Price ordered the men to continue their work.Jimmy could not help but wonder whether that knife had been meant for him, and as he moved to help one of the men with a heavy crate, he asked, "Is he dead?" Never mind about that, it's too late now anyway. Let's just get this stuff loaded and get out of here," Price shouted.The men loaded the van and the car and everyone hopped in to take off and go back to the hideout. When they reached the gate where they had. “What did you say?” Priti gasped as she spoke amidst laughter.“What else? I just asked him to get out of here,” Lakshmi retorted.“Poor guy!” Priti resumed laughing.“Now, what is so funny about all this?” Lakshmi intervened with anger.Priti understood that her mother was not amused about the whole thing and stopped laughing at once. She could not feel pity for her brother who could not resist his temptations. She easily realized that her brother was one among the desperate lot who never had any.
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