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. until She arrived and, having decided She wanted to carry out an inspection of my attire appearance, started to check me over. Fingernails, hair, teeth and shave all passed muster as did the outer part of my uniform... then She used her crop to lift the front of my dress and, to my horror, I saw Her face darken in anger. I glanced down to see that there was a small stain of old urine showing yellow and dark against the otherwise pristine white material... clearly, I'd not shaken the very last. So one day i decided to confront him about it, i wanted to know why he looked at my ass and down my shirt. I sat him down on the sofa i decided to go straight to point. "Josh i've noticed over the last couple of days that you've been looking at me whenever i bent down". He looked shocked at what i just said i continued by saying, "Hunny it's fine to look at me, but why do you do it?" Josh shocked as he was replied very seriously, "Mum when i told you about my ex-girlfriend i noticed your. I jerked the chain with every ounce of strength I could muster, pulling Cunt across the floor by the collar around her neck.Cunt screamed with pain and grabbed the chain, trying to lessen the tension. She screamed and kicked her legs furiously as I pulled her across the room, six inches at a time.I kept pulling until she had no choice but to stand up, directly under the chain ring in the ceiling. I kept pulling until she was standing on her toes, arms flailing and still screaming."NO! NO! NO!. Turn about is fair I guess I have undressed her with my eyes for months.The last things that needed doing were a couple of displays right at the register. She took the smaller rack meant to hold gift cards and started working on it behind the counter. As I worked away I listened to her softly humming and singing to herself as a great jazz song played her voice was soft and deep . She had set up the rack and was finishing up putting out different themes of cards when I brought out the new.
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