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"As she began to take more and more of him into her mouth he started to explore her vagina using his index finger to locate her inner lips through her sparse covering of pubic hair. The wetness there allowed his finger to slide all the way in and allowed him to find her erect little clitoris with his thumb. He brought his index finger almost out and rubbed the sensitive little nub between the thumb and index finger. Then he slipped a second and third finger in and began to forcefully fuck them. Leave her and call the marriage quits. The latter option wasunthinkable, not only did he love her but where would he go and howwould he live. Fighting her certainly wasn't an attractive option.Rose always got what she wanted - hell the Christians in the Coliseumhad a better chance against the lions. That left capitulation as theonly option.Rose returned and threw the damp hand towel into the hamper. She staredat Jack for a long moment. Jack felt the heat in his face and shiftedhis weight. I didn't think anything of it until she got back to the cabin an hour later with no wine. I asked where her wine was and she said she drank it on the top deck enjoying the view of the countryside. I shrugged it off, as long as she's happy it's no big deal.Dinner was once again fantastic; we ate and drank to our heart's content. Our wine glasses never seemed to get below half full. Needless to say, we were in a very good mood after dessert. Heading up to the lounge we ran into Monique. It was. Again that laugh came inside my head, now in high speed as it raised a huge clawed arm against the two of us as we stood there. Yaaron’s spell was still being spoken and his gesticulations continued in just as unhurried a manner as he had begun them. I was amazed at his self control and focus, but I wanted to scream at him that his efforts were worthless and that he should run, now, even though I knew it was too late. We would feel the demon’s searing claws rip us to shreds momentarily, and it.
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