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"Sam got up and went to the hall and got out his wallet.Michelle pretended to look shocked and put on a high pitched voice."Well guv, I normally charges fifty quid for da murth, but as I kept medraws on you can av it for forty." Very clever Eliza Doolittle. Here take this credit card. You can spendforty five pounds without the pin, but over that you will need my pinnumber. I'll write it down for you." Why do I need that?" Your vintage clothes are nice, but I want my girlfriend to be stylish.You. " My God! I'm coming over!" Gabby!" Right after I change my panties!" NO!" What? Did I hear you say not to come over?" You did." Why? What ever for? I mean, were friends and friends share the most intimate things." I... I'm expecting company." It was the best excuse she could think of under pressure and it seemed to mollify her friend."Well... in that case... news at eleven then, ta ta." And the phone went dead.Before Leigh could compose herself the doorbell rang. Grabbing her robe she made for. Her shapely tits were 34-D's, she wore no bra and this knit dress clung to her tits and hung on her ass. She also wore brown heels that heightened her appearance and caused her ass to stick out more. She wore sexy thong panties and her hair was made-up perfectly topped off with a little red set of Devils Horns. Jenna was dressed as a slutty Nun. She wore a gray mini-toga with slits up each side and her curvy little ass showed when ever she would bend over. Jenna was blonde and trimmed her. For the next fifteen minutes, as the klieg lights blared,with the cameras and audiorolling, Barb’s erotic screams were on a par with any XXX actress. Even Jake seemed to be somewhat turned on. He was then allowed to climax before being forced to sit in the chair again and handcuffed to the post.It was Jackie’s turn to perform next. The rope leash, which had been used on Jake, was fastened around her neck, she was then ordered to kneel on the pallet skid to the right of Leslie, who was still.
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