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And her breathing grew deeper. The two were silent, looking at each other. Amy bent down and kissed her lightly on the mouth, lips smacking. Bonnie could not deny that she grew even more aroused at the kiss, though she knew it was very wrong. Before she knew it, Amy kissed her again, and she kissed back. Again. Again. Lips smacking each time. Still, she didn’t protest. Was it the alcohol? Was it because she fingered herself briefly? She looked into Amy’s dark eyes as Amy brought her hand down. When the minutes ticked past and I thought my embarrassment could not get worse or the tension thicker - I could not help but ask, "I thought you were going to bed mom?"Mother did not move for some seconds before she again looked over her shoulder, "I am enjoying the movie honey." Even in the flickering light I could see that mom's cheeks were flushed and her gray eyes sparkled.So for the next ten minutes I sat frozen, no longer even seeing what was upon the television as my hard cock throbbed. , and the news broadcast came on immediately:"The Coast Guard reports that a small vessel, the S.S. Marine, hasvanished in last night's storm after setting out for its regular three-hour tour of the Islands. Aboard the missing ship were seven people:"Jacob Grumbly was the Marine's captain and is an old hand in thesetropic waters. His mate on this voyage was Harrigan, normally theharbour's errand boy, who was replacing his regular first mate, masterseaman David Parker." If he only knew!" said. “You can breathe easy. This is simply a business trip a follow up on the Paris air show,” I then said.“The air show was business and look what happened there - that is what worries us,” Troy said.“I don’t expect any villains that need killing to be in Copenhagen,” I replied.“Well let’s hope you are right and none find you that do,” the President said.Three hours later we were on final approach when we heard N896D contact air traffic control for vectoring, they were one hundred and fifty miles.
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