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I like that.” Megan said. “Why me?” I asked. “What made you want me when you could have had your pick of anyone in that bar?” “Why not? I’m not the bar type person, and I hate those that are just looking to get laid by anyone. What caught my attention was your stare, and the startled look when I caught you!” she said laughing. “ I though it was kind of cute and most guys would have come up and talked to me. But you just seemed different from the start. A bit shy and not too presumptuous,. And here it comes, lady! Here it is, all for you--take my come, you beautiful, hot-assed bitch!"His semen spewed forth from the vibrating head of his cock like a thundering river. It exploded far back inside her quaking pussy, hurling the searing lava of his come over her womb and wetly branding her vaginal walls. Great, slippery gobs of sticky juice splattered her snatch, and his spitting cockhead ballooned so wide that he thought he was going to get locked into the basket of her cunt. Amy is a beautiful young woman. She has long slender legs that compliment her hips and supple C-cup breasts. "Hey Amy! Come on in!" "Thanks Mathias, what have you been doing?" "Oh you know, just hanging out on the computer." "Been watchin' porn haven't you?" laughs Amy Mathias freezes as he remember the BDSM he had just finished watching. The scenes of two friends experiencing pain and pleasure dancing through his head. "Um, haha no. Let's go start our project." They head to Mathias' room,. We walked through myneighborhood, just talking about stuff. I enjoyed the warm breeze thatwas running up my skirt, and it made me feel so good and girlish. We approached the main street in town where there would be more lightand a bit more traffic. Nothing to worry about because it was late, butI was still a little nervous. We were about a block from reaching themain street and not saying much when Michael kind of paused and lookedat me and said, you know you look really nice tonight. He smiled.
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