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I had been taking my shots religiously for all of those years, so it was with great pleasure that I stopped getting poked with a needle in my butt.I managed to get pregnant not long after my last shot wore off, and I was now the one in hog heaven. Bud was happy too, and Mom was looking forward to a grandchild: boy or girl, none of us cared! Hank was even pleased, so we had a very happy home.The only thing that we could consider a problem was whether or not to move out of Mom's house and start. ..after some time we become awarethat we are completely naked,,,though neither of us appearsaroused at this stage...you raise your self and sit facing me in my lap,,,your labia arranging themselvesas though they had a life of their own,on either side of my flaccid lignawe continue staringinto the depths of each others eyesand slowly,in tune with our breathingstroke each other on the outside of the arms...the kundalini energy begins to humin the base of my spineand the tingling electricity flows. I think they find some sort of ineffable beauty in our striped skin. Like a brand. Their brand, marking us as their own. I’m damn sure that when we moan and cry and writhe it creates, for them, an endless orgasm. They can boil up and flow over for as long as it pleases them to whip us. The only reason they don’t whip us all day long is that we don’t have enough skin and they don’t want to waste a good girl by killing her. Simply really."Dorinda was almost reverent before such knowledge. "I’ve. "Wait," he said out loud, letting his hand fall awayfrom his dick. He could go outside clear his head, andjerk off to something he was proud of. Maybe he'd getto see some flesh this time. He pulled his pants upover his softening dick, and went upstairs to get onhis newly founded voyeur outfit.When Mikey came to the corner where Julie's backyardmet the marshy edge of the woods, he was sorelydisappointed. Julie's shades were pulled this time."Fuck," he cursed out loud, then reminded himself.
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