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Her father offered some of his homemade wine and the older sisters tried to make conversation with the royal guest, hoping to get his attentions and perhaps become a Princess. Auburna worked with her mother on the meal.After the meal, which received compliments from the Prince, he made an announcement, “I am attracted to Auburna and I choose to spend the night with her.” It was simple and direct and the older sisters were greatly disappointed as was the wife of the household, having heard from. She nearly died as his huge cock seemed to harden and swell even more as it pumped out burst, after burst. she knew her one hand couldn’t handle his monster-shooting cock, so she instantly began stroking it with both hands, to better help pump it.As he came, she watched, in disbelief, his huge balls disappear, up- into his sac as he continued to explode in burst after burst of the longest ropes of cum she have ever seen.As his hot cum flew out of the wide open head, flying across the room, over. Hi! Im Angie! She squeaked in a bubbly voice, her eyes fluttering once, a sly smirk now on those great lips. She had the type of lips where she had a lot of control over them, very muscled, very versatile. But that fucking smirk, it was the kind only really hot women who know they are hot can do. A look that says youre gonna just do what I tell you eventually anyway . . right? And they are absolutely correct, we do, every time, like idiots. Well usually like idiots, but even a broken clock is. "It was hard to imagine Mrs. Abercrombie doing it. She was like so old now. Like 42!"Your brother's on the football team," continued Marissa. "He knows all about it."Marissa was right. So what was Eli's problem?"I know what the Practice Squad does Eli," Emma said smugly."Oh and what is that?" He didn't believe her."Suck and fuck." So you understand why you can't do it?" No." You might be assigned to me." So what?" You're my sister. I couldn't ... you know." What does it matter?"Eli shook his.
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