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But he didn’t fuck other women and she didn’t fuck other men.“So… they gave you head? Her friend too?” Earnie asked, sounding excited.“Well I can’t speak for her. I can tell you this much though. She’s been in a no sex marriage for some time now” Eli replied with a wink and a grin.“I understand…” “If you’d like you could join us tonight so we can get to know each other better”.Like Eli had said, the fish started hitting just as the sun touched the horizon. Eli had several good sized white bass. There were a couple dozen guys in the photos, taken with my wife in various parts of the gym on different days, but all the pictures revealed that every guy got to feel my wife up at least once. There was a photo of three guys touching her at once, three different sets of hands on her body. As the photos progressed my wife’s outfit started moving and sliding out of the way, providing a clear view of these strange men fondling her breasts and fingering her pussy. A few photos made it clear that. If I wanted to stop by after school and help her move it she would pay me to help.So the next day I showed up to Lisa’s and we moved her old stuff out of her bedroom and into another , then the truck showed up with the new stuff and we put that in her bed room. Once we got that all in place Lisa asked if I would help with switching her clothes outta the old dressers into the new ones. I told her sure no problem. She told me to start with the top drawers in the big dresser first and she would go. I slowed the rhythm of the trusts, so that her orgasm could subside and she could catch her breath. She was still breathing heavily, but I pulled the cock out of her pussy and pressed the head against her asshole. I heard a deep groan as the glass pushed firmly against her tight little hole, but before I knew it, she was pushing her hips back against the cock. The cock slowly slid into her tight hole, as her moans became audible again. As the cock slides as far inside her as it will go, using.
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