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The female dancers looked like they were Playmates.As the dancers on stage finished their routines they moved to the floor selling lap dances and other sexy girls took the center stage. One of them was amazing. She walked up to Victor and asked if he would care for a dance. Before I could say anything, my loving hubby whipped out a fifty dollar bill and stuck it in her tiny string. I was astonished and a bit angry. I had agreed to come to the bar but not my husband getting a hard on over some. Mrs. French was jerking around tumultuously, her cunt clutching desperately at his erection, making his balls tighten and sending him to the very verge of ejaculation.He tried to warn her. "Not so hard! You'll make me shoot!"Her only response was to stare back between her legs through the hair that had fallen across her eyes. She saw his cock slicing in and out of her, the staff gleaming with her own wetness. It was such a lewd, wonderful sight. She cried, "Yes! Come inside me! I want all of. Elyse. I was feeling a bit guilty about how I’d treated her. She never really complained. In fact, even when she’d talked to me about it, it hadn’t really been a complaint, just observations of the reality in which we found ourselves.“Uh oh,” Jessica said. “I know that look. You’re struggling with something.”“Just trying to sort out my feelings on a whole bunch of different things. And before you worry, I am NOT confused about how I feel about the two of you! It’s more about my relationships. “I think that will be acceptable to my wife,” I laughed and withdrew my cock from her. Andy took up the position I had earlier and guided the tip of his cock to her pussy lips. I could see my cum dripping out as Andy pushed gently forward, sliding half his length into her. Jo gasped and moaned, “Gently does it.” Andy stopped and withdrew slighlty, then pushed in slowly until Jo had taken his whole length. He then started genltly pumping back and forth, stretching Jo's pussy to his massive.
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