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Please don't be upset, Kate. I'm also feeling my pussy leaking out juice too, so I have to stay hidden."I'm twenty, Mom, so if I want to get involved with Lil, then I will." Really?" Kate asked, placing her hands on her hips. "You'll just have sex with anyone then? Is that what you are telling me right now?" she asked before a pause. "No, you are my daughter, and you will not whore yourself. Do you understand?!" Rose stood her ground, but her private parts remained unseen for the time being. I. She heard snoring, and realised that the handsome archer must have finally fallen asleep.She blushed when she remembered the night they’d spent, the kissing…Andraste preserve, had she actually bit him? She rolled her eyes at her own impulsive antics.She sat up carefully to look down on the nobleman, whose head was tilted back, his mouth partially open. The lines of pain that had been present on his face – emotional pain, not physical; she’d checked with Wynne and Anders both – since they’d. ”“Khidir!”The room went silent as everyone looked towards the children playing in the pool. One of them, a young Scyftan boy named Khidir Mych, looked up and replied hesitantly.“What have I told you about urinating in the pool, young man?” Abi asked, sending the little girls in the pool squealing as they rushed to get away.“I couldn’t help it!” the young boy whined.“That’s what you said the first time I caught you doing it. Do you remember my warning?”“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”“See that. “Yes!” I groaned. “Oh, damn, yes!” My little sister was amazing. “Fuck!” I groaned and erupted.My cum fired out of my dick. Spurt after spurt of cum pumped into my sister's mouth. The pleasure slammed into my mind. It was exquisite. Amazing. I shuddered, loving every moment of her nursing on my dick. She suckled down all my cum.It was awesome. I kept cumming and cummingMy cum fired into her mouth. Powerful blasts of taboo bliss shot through me. I groaned, my head throwing back. She gulped it.
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