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"Karen!" Mike pushed through the crowd to catch up to me.I shivered a little. "What do you want me to do now?" I asked him nervously.He grinned, a little embarrassed but shrugging it off easily. "I didn't make the rules. I can walk with you to your next class if you like."I started to turn away, but he was about the only person who had talked to me all day. "Uh -- all right," I nodded. After a moment, I added a polite, "Thanks."He grinned again. "It might be me next week. Are you. He’d started to wash her body, wetting her down with the nozzle and lathering her with his bare, soapy hands. His hands had been firm but careful, and she’d started to feel like a piece of sculpture being shaped an artisan’s hands. He’d touched her without shame or apology, gliding slippery palms over her aching breasts, down the split between the spheres of her ass, between her smooth thighs, fingers brushing the awakening lips of her pussy. She’d bent forward, a long, deep sigh escaping her. After that a tour of England... and well you get the picture. I found a spot where I could play and soak up the sun at the same time. Setting up I began to play while all around me tourists basked in the warm Spring sunshine.I didn't even notice that she was standing in front of me because I had my eyes closed and was totally immersed in singing. It was only when I'd finished the song and looked up that I saw her. My heart leapt as I recognised her immediately even though she was wearing. .. That's why I always use drawings, eventhough I work with photographs of live models. This way, no one canaccuse me of actually torturing women - which I'd never consider doingin the first place -- and no one can use my drawings as evidence thatI've hired women for what they call Immoral Purposes." But then," I ventured. "What do you do with the photographs afteryou've made your drawings from them?"He was about to tell me. I could just tell from the off-handed, relaxedway he was going on that.
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