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Wiping away a tear, anger started to boil up inside her. She wanted to be free; she deserved to be free. She wasn’t someone’s mere child or pet. Though her thoughts raged, her lip trembled. She knew she couldn’t fight back; he had killed an angel, a powerful, holy messenger, without even touching him, and he enjoyed it. And, even if she did manage to escape, where would she go? She hugged herself and cried. Everything was hopeless. Her nose began to run, dripping wet, tickly mucus down to her. ”“I see her headlights. Thanks guys.”“Not a problem.”“Any time.”“You want a couple of us to hang out?”“No, I’m good here for the night.”“Copy that. We will find a place to sleep and wait to hear from you. Take care buddy.”“Will do.”Luca waited patiently for Kay to walk through that door. She had some explaining to do.Kay hid the car behind the farm house. She took a deep breath and sat there. ‘I did it, I really did it!’ She felt so proud of herself! She got out of the car and walked toward the. They must have thought you were a dumb beautyqueen who got lost and was in the wrong building.' Page 5. ??????????? 'Itwasn't easy being pretty and smart. People made assumptions all the time. Ithink you're making assumptions too but you'd be wrong. You'd be..'??????????? Shesensed she shouldn't challenge or correct me too much but then couldn't helpherself. It was her know-it-all, good looking bitch outlook taking over again.She was entitled. Or so she thought. (She was entitle to my prick in. When I knelt behind them to get a good view of his cock and her cunt, I noticed that he was larger than I thought at first glanced, uncircumsized even. ‘Oooh, fuck!’ Lupe cried, her arms wrapping around Chase’s torso as he entered her, slowly. She moaned and whined, feeling inch after inch slide into her. Her legs quivered as he dragged his hips back, and slammed back into her. I felt my cock twitch. ‘Fuck yeah, Chase, fuck that slut!’ I cheered. I rose to my feet, moving to.
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