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The girls spread out and picked up the trail again in minutes and I followed them as they trotted off following it.We pressed as hard as we could. If we found a good part of a trail I'd have one of them ride behind me and keep me on it until she needed to get down and look more closely. I'd let whichever it was behind me down and return for the other. It was a damn good thing I had Buck for this trip. The girls had a lot more stamina than I did and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have made. With no thought of injury to her menagerie of teddies, she dumps them on the floor. She sits on the bed, and I am looking at the top of her head. Then I hear that sound! My zipper is being lowered. Her hand searches, finds and pulls. Then I feel Avery’s warm moist mouth engulfing buddy. My body takes over, starting the famous thrusting motion to coincide with Avery’s mouth and hand movements.My mind tries to extend the feeling for as long as possible, it truly does, but Avery’s soft warm mouth. "You appear to be somewhat aroused by us," she laughs as she stares at my fully erect cock."We're all over 18, Brandon, consenting adults," Alex adds. "Just do it!" I look to Lauren for direction but she just shrugs like it's completely up to me."What do you want me to do?" I ask to no one in particular. "Just taste her a little or eat her pussy through a full orgasm?"Okay, is this the weirdest fucking conversation you've ever heard? It is certainly the most bizarre conversation I've ever had.. She nodded."I think that you will be coming over here to have many talks with her," I said. She nodded again.We finished eating in silence, though Cheri kept glancing at me with a mischievous look in her eyes. Soon we were done, and the maids came to remove the plates. They returned shortly and Girl asked, "Where will you be having your dessert?" In my room," I said. "Please have Karen help you prepare it." Yes, sir," she said, and walked to the other side of Cheri. "Please come with us,.
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