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On the leg from LA had hadn’t seen sheep or dairy cow but nor had he seen film stars in LA or cowboys as the aircraft came in low over Chicago. Plenty of high building landscape pollution though. He then resolved not to make comparisons, to take America and Americans as he found them. Hunter’s decision to go to America during the winter (it was summer in North America) had produced a long smirk from Julia. ‘I wonder why that lovely American became so dotty on you — she didn’t appear to be on. I also found out that she was a submissive type and was looking for a Master. I was happy to take her in as my slave. As I waited in the dingy cafe waiting for her I noticed that it was empty except for an eldery couple who were obvlious to everything around them as they ate their breakfeast of egss and suasge. A pretty waiter with black hair and 32b breasts had brought me a cup of coffee and a sly wink. I hear the door rattle open and look to see what gave me an instant hard on. Dressed in a. I complied.“How would you like to have personal English tuitions, apart from the regular tuitions? Just you and Kalyani. No cost. In fact, she won’t charge you for the regular tuitions either. Neither will she tell your parents that she isnt charging you. So you get to keep that money. Good deal?”“What do I have to do in exchange?”“I want you to fuck her, while I watch. But you must promise me two things. First, no one should ever know. Two, you will only fuck her when I am watching.”“Good. At one point she came into the hall dancing as she went past my room, and paused in front of my doorway to groove to a particularly good part of the song, treating me to a show of her dancing in her sexy purple satin bikini string panties. That about pushed me over the edge, and I started looking for the box of tissues I keep stocked up on my bedside table. Shit! The box was empty!Oh, not now… I thought. I was too close! Normally, I would have gotten up and gotten another box from the hall.
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