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Her body language was telling him nothing was seriously wrong, but he was still puzzled. “Sure, that’s fine. I hope I haven’t upset you somehow.” She assuaged his fears by bending over for the washcloth and re-soaping it for him. “Boobs first, I think, master,” she said as she handed it to him. He dumbly accepted it and awkwardly began to wash her chest.“Relax,” she said, “I just want to understand a little more about your relationship with your wife. You two seem very happy together, but. Jenny couldn’t control the natural reaction and turned her head to his shoulder, as her body moved with the rhythm of a sensual sounding climax. He could feel his fingers being bathed in her erotic juices.“You sound so beautiful when you cum,” he said softly.“Thank you, I love you, Daddy.”The delivery boy had been watching them and suddenly announced he was going to cum. As Lisa opened her mouth, a spurt landed on her right cheek then the remaining shots landed on her tongue. Dan saw the white. Orry for once again breaking up a story. Have work early and I need sleep. Lot of late nights recently. Big J need sleeppppppppppppppp.As you are all aware, I'm a busy fuckin guy. Between school, work, Call of Duty and just bein a general all around badass, I don't have a lot of time for these so called important things like homework and responsibility. Priorities brah. Call of Duty--Girls---Work----School. Now, as most of you can understand, you can't just do one thing at a time or you fall. I took her bra and tied her wrist and bent her over the bale of hay ,her ass was top in the air show her nice wet pussy I could not help myself given it a good lick it was nice and wet and my cock was ready to hammer it home ,I rested on knee on the bale and I pushed my cock deep inside her she leaved her head with a yelp after a few strokes she was nice and wet I turned and put my other knee on the other side of her I was in a doggie position but just very height up as my cock went down it.
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