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He undressed me slowly as if enjoying every stitch. He took the time to suck each of my hard nipples. I moaned and squirmed, wanting him so much it ached. He was slow and purposeful with every move, so different that the frantic eager fucking we’d had in the threesome. It was as if he was savoring every second and actually making love to me. I was in paradise. He sat me on the edge of the bed and pushed me back, kneeling in front of me on the floor. He was just as patient in spreading my legs,. You will allow any man we send into your room to do whatever they want to you. You are a piece of fuck meat. They led me back to a bed room and taught me how to be a good whore. After an hour or so when they had given me several loads I noticed new men cumming in quite frequently snorting coke then fucking me. I felt so cheap and used. I was in heaven. I ended up taking men for over 12 hours. 
The next day I was so sore I could barely walk. I still could not deep threat or take a cock over 7. Lips parting slightly, as if to accept some unwarranted caress.Leaning forward, I shut my eyes and whispered what I was feeling."I do want you to please me." Yes..." his breath came out with one word."And how do you want to please me, my little victim?" The word -- alone -- said it all. But he did not hear it."Let me please you," he responded, eyes moving up to look at me. Under short little spikey bangs. I could even see him swallow. "With my mouth."I smiled. Finger moving to his lips. "And so. - Evelyn -.....yes... daddy? -come here She appears through the living room door, its quite dark so cant see what she is wearing. -come closer she come closer to me, as she is i can see she is wearing a skinny black short dress, so short i can see her stocking and suspenders, and i can imagine if she bent over, theres no doubt her short dress would rise up exposing her fuckable arse. today she was wearing a bra, i could see her bright pink straps over her shoulders. i love it when my little.
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