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‘ I think I’m afraid that one day you’re going to wake up and want me gone.’ I averted his eyes and tried to stop the tears threatening to fall but failed. He seemed shocked but recovered quickly and moved closer to put his arm around me. ‘Oh Jenni, you’re an amazing pain in the ass but…I love you.’ He smiled at me but I could tell he was nervous for my reply. He had never said that out loud to me before. I swallowed the sarcastic response that I would normally spew forth in fear and instead. Both have heels as high as the ones Josh bought for me the last time I was here but are in slightly different styles.I suspect he could have remembered my shoe size if he had to. But that would have taken a lot of fun out of the experience for both of us. I took a seat, ignoring the way my dress pulled up baring my thighs almost to my panties. He pulled the little footstool up and sat down, staring unashamedly at my underwear. I slumped down in my chair slightly, spread my knees as far apart as. I asked them to contact the Indonesian government international crimes bureau. That got my appointment moved up to the next day. At that time the Indonesian government was hell on monetary fraud and baksheesh.I produced my bona fides, the data I had on my personal banker, my account activity history for the past two years, the inter-bank transfer log, the record of his local credit card purchases and a certified copy of my contract with him. Two forensic accountants gave everything a careful. I guess it didn’t matter that her face was shown she was a star. There was a flood of e-mails from guys wanting to fuck her. She would spend hours on the computer looking at profiles and pics from them. It was obvious that she was planning her next encounter. I accepted this even though I had hoped he little encounter would be a one time thing. One night after she had fully recovered she was on the computer and called me over. She said she had picked out the next guy and wanted to show me who.
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