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I know that this sort of thing isn't really my forte, but I've been trying and it's a beginning class for god's sake!"Professor Hermann put on his sternest look. "Now calm down Roxanne, college isn't one big party. If you want to graduate you've got to work. I'm sorry you don't think that literature is all that important, but the University disagrees. This class is a required course and you've got to pass it to graduate. Now what are you willing to do to make thegrade?"The Professor mentally. He had other ideas, however, as he spread her asscheeks apart and pushed the head of his wet cock into her asshole. Liz cried out, not in pain but a rather lustful guttural cry, as she felt her husbands hard, slick cock poke into her hole and easily slide deeper and deeper inside her. Kevin was surprised at how easily his cock slid into her rear entrance but was so overpowered with lust that he grabbed her hips and rammed his hard cock all the way in making Liz gasp and moan loudly. As he fully. "Oh?" said Leslie."You'd never know it to see him dressed. I've got to get him some decent clothes." Hey," I said indignantly, "I'm still in the room." Yeah," said Leslie, "big deal. I'm inclined to agree with you Maggie. Drag him down along Fifth Avenue and get him fixed." Absolutely," said Maggie."You think so, huh?" I said smiling.I had hated seeing Maggie put that robe on and cover up that lush body. She was even more beautiful without them on. Her heavy, beautiful drooping breasts; the. Things were very intense for what felt like an eternity but was probably only about ten seconds. Realising there was little more he could do, at least with this many witnesses, he just looked at me in disgust. “If I were you I’d get going home now and I wouldn’t waste my time hanging around outside here either.” He stormed to the end of the aisle and looked back around at everyone then up at the screen where a new “glory-hole amateur” was giving a stranger the time of his life. He shook his.
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