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She walked around him once, twice, patient, expectant, calm, allowing the fear he were experiencing to sink in, to let him fall deeper into it.She enjoyed the power she had, the revenge she would have, the training he would undergo, end the end result that were to come.The corners of her mouth twitched slightly upward in anticapation. The first swipe of the whip fell on his back, and he winced, more hits followed, 5, 10, 50, he didn't count, he just felt pain, and he would have screamed if the. When we stopped at the condo, we both slid out of thecar and held hands as Richard went to open the front door for us. Insidehe looked at us both and said, "I am sure you girls have a lot to catch upon. I'll see you in the morning, Brandee."We headed off to my bedroom. "I can hardly believe it is you Jenni, er,Brandee. You look so much more...relaxed and natural as a girl then I haveever seen you before. And you look at least five years younger as well.Richard says you've taken to the. I was frantic. I was two weeks premature and had not had the final meeting with the adoption agency. Well, too late for that, as the contractions began and Mr. Shaptner called for an ambulance and his wife held my hand.I won't go into the details that every woman who has ever given birth knows. Suffice it to say, it wasn't long before I really wished I had never laid eyes on my ex-husband, his friends or any other male on the planet. But I persevered. Its not like you can actually stop.I. Instead, on the topmost floor of Mrs.Wilson's, up under the roof, where there were boxrooms and tiny cubicles for servants, there was asecret door, which led though the wall to a passageand stairs and another concealed door, whichentered out into a small room adjacent to a parlorand ball room. A quartet of musicians, a pianistand string trio, waited to play for the dancers. Theguests were evidently down stairs, dining ordrinking. Auntie told Marie to wait on theconcealed stairs until she.
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