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Do you think I not gonna say fuck yeah. I almost just came watching Joan eat you pussy and I just came a little bit ago. We need to go to your bedroom and I need to bury this hard cock in one of pussies and came because I'm ready to explode now They just smiled and started walking to Michelle's room . When we got there Michelle said that she just came from Joan's fabulous tongue so I should fuck joan first . I said no problem and I hoped she didn't mind but I wasn't gonna last long after. .. want you to be my first time.”“Don't worry, Mr. Davies,” groaned Tammy. My brunette friend hopped to her feet, untangling herself from Rita, our sexy, Black friend. “You get our cherries.”Rita gained her feet as she whipped her sticky lips with the back of her hand. “Yep!” the Black girl said, her round breasts swaying before her. She had dark-brown nipples, a richer shade than her coffee-brown skin. “We're both cherries.”“We're so eager for this,” Tammy moaned.Daddy grinned. There was. I could not believe their size. They could not be real and they weren’t. I noticed barely visible scars under her breasts and I traced them with the tip of my tongue. I could feel her shiver in my arms. She was ready for my final assault. This time it was my turn to push her down on the blanket and I moved my hands to remove her bikinis. She stopped me and then undid the small clips on her hips pulling the bikinis down.If I sad I wasn’t ready for what I saw it would be an understatement. In. Turn the music up, I will dance for you guys....I had won the hand... so she got up, and her hands ran down the sides of her bra, slinking down her ribcage and her her hips she played with her thong... this was nothing unusual for *us*... she gave me plenty of stripteases, and I always joked she was a stripper in a past life... but this time.. this time was different. A subtle pang of jealousy crept across me as I saw Jason's eyes draw a line to my wife's amazing ass as she shook it.
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