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I looked around, then focused my eyes on the clock. 1:13 a.m. My first reaction was to curse, which I accompanied with a yawn. A noise from above had wakened me. I didn't know why I was so sure, but I was. A nice looking girl named Jessica lives in the flat above me. She is 21. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything, ready to fall asleep again. A moan came from above. There was a seductive tinge in it, pain and pleasure mixed together. For all I knew she was single, but obviously. Tyler didn’t hesitate. He said he wanted to talk to me about joining the activities troop, to go run fundraisers and stuff. I said I would. He took me to the Leader’s place and immediately shut the door and locked it behind him. He smirked. “Wish granted.” He tore my clothes off so fast he tore my shirt right down the middle. “Oh well.” And Tyler chucked it on the floor. His shirt and pants were off in a matter of seconds once I used my hands. His bulging 9-inch cock was so huge I could barely. He went in and got us some flippers, masks and snorkels. He’d decided that we were going swimming. There was no way that I could strip naked and go swimming, not there, so I had to swim wearing what I had on. The water was cold at first, but I soon got used to it, especially with Jon messing about. With only those 3 rectangles on it felt as if I was naked. Swimming naked is a feeling that I really enjoy.As I said, Jon was messing about a lot, and it was only when a man, who was also wearing a. “Yes ma'am,” Sam replied weakly. Riley smiled at me over her shoulder, “She’s ready for you Sir.” Kristy pulled her mouth off my cock with a wet slurp and Riley motioned for her to kneel beside her. Riley squirted some lube into Kristy’s hand as I knelt behind Sam. Kristy smeared the lube over my hard shaft and lined it up with Sam’s puckered hole. She held it and stared in fascination as Sam’s tight hole stretched around the flared head. Sam groaned as I pushed into him, stretching his lubed.
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