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“You decide to wear stockings whenever you can.”Nod.“Any chance you get, you wear stockings, and they make you look and feel sexy.”Nod.“You’re almost always wearing stockings.”Nod.I slowly woke her up, and after a few confused blinks, she smiled and thanked me for the session.At breakfast the next morning, she was wearing a long dress—nothing new or unusual, it was something she’d had for years.But underneath, she was wearing stockings.Session B34:In the meantime, I’d been increasing Marcie’s. But we were going to have to take our relationship ‘underground’ for now.Cherry’s mom had given me a lot to think about. I had every intention of continuing to see Cherry, of course, but things would be more complicated for sure. I found myself pacing around my apartment while trying to figure out how to handle a million different issues.I never realized before then a habit that I had. When deep in thought, I evidently had a habit of running my hand over my head and down to the back of my. Through the years of fucking Jen's pussy became so fragrant that her panties would smell up the closet and all my clothes smelled of her fragrance. People would approach me on how well I smelled on a daily basis as my clothes smelled of her scent in a very musky and good way. Then she turned forty...her pussy turned from sweet to musty and sweaty...not good. She would walk with her friends then want me to fuck her and as she took her panties off it was like a train hitting a small car. I love. She was very religious kind of woman but slut at the same time. She used to stare at me but I had no such intention but gradually, I also got attracted. One day, she came out after bathing with clothes in a bucket. When she bent to grab clothes, my dick got erect and I was trying to control myself bit all in vain. She saw my boner and must be excited and asked me what I had for lunch to which I replied nothing much. Now I was kinda attracted to her. She asked me to join her for lunch as she.
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