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We were both moaning with pleasure and it was clear I wasn’t going to last much longer. I mumbled something around her nipple about being close and she attacked my cock with even more fervour leading to a series of spasms that shot load after load down her eager throat. I thought that that might have been it but oh no, she was barely getting started. I helped her up and while we continued the snogging session, she played my body like an instrument, stroking, fondling and massaging different. And my greatest asset well that was my tool. When fully erect it was around 7 inches and very thick. So dad and my uncle started talking and I went into kitchen in order to get a drink as well but in reality to look at those great milky breasts. She was standing in front of the cabinet on her tiptoe trying to grab a glass off of the shelf. I came and stood and her back and on the pretext of helping her I leaned forward and took the glass and placed it on the counter and there by rubbing my. Th boy's mouth opened in an ear splitting scream as Harry's obscenely huge cock pushed up into his anal cavity. The young man clawed at the carpet with his fingers dragging Harry as Harry hunched deep into the howling boys anus. "HELP, SOME BODY HELP ME, HE'S KILLING ME HELP. TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT YOU'RE SLITTING MY BUTT OPEN." I could not help but get excited as I watched Harry savagely assault the young mans butt. The young man either gave up or surrendered to his fate, he stopped. She thought about what happened and in Heather’s office and she already looked forward to Sunday. The rest of the week went as expected and without incident and Sunday finally arrived. Sandy told her father that she was spending the day with Heather for some additional training and her father was pleased that Heather had taken his daughter under her wing. Sandy arrived at heather’s condo shortly after lunch and the two of them got better acquainted. After a couple glasses of wine Heather.
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